Experimenting with Posting Every Day for Six Months – 1. Month

I have personally never really known what to do with my own website. That was until recently, when I decided to use it actively for an experiment: Posting Every Day for Six Months.

Blogging is a powerful tool for sharing ideas, building a community, and establishing oneself as an authority in a given field. However, many people struggle to consistently publish blog posts on a regular basis. To overcome this challenge, some bloggers have attempted to post every day for an extended period, such as six months.

In this blog post, I will explore the benefits and challenges of such an experiment and give an update on my first month of posting.

Benefits of Posting Every Day

Posting every day can have several benefits.

  1. Improved writing skills
    Consistently writing and publishing blog posts can help bloggers hone their writing skills and develop their voice.
  2. Increased traffic
    More frequent posts can help attract more traffic to a blog, as readers are more likely to return and engage with the site if they know new content is being published regularly.
  3. Better engagement
    Regular posting can help build a community of readers who engage with the content and share it with others.

For my experiment, I decided the goal was to increase traffic organically.

Challenges of Posting Every Day

Posting every day can also present several challenges. Some of them being:

  1. Burnout
    Writing and publishing a new post every day can be exhausting, leading to burnout and a decline in quality.
  2. Time commitment
    Consistently publishing quality content requires a significant time commitment, which may not be feasible for bloggers with other obligations.
  3. Quantity over quality
    Posting every day can sometimes come at the expense of quality, as bloggers may feel pressure to produce content quickly rather than taking the time to produce something truly valuable.

For my experiment I’m using ChatGPT to help me draft up my blog post ideas before re-writing and adjusting based on my own voice and opinion. Fact checking is also crucial, as the AI isn’t always right! This drastically helps with the time commitment and reducing the chance of burnout.

One-Month Status Update

Reviewing my content

In the first period I’ve managed to post at once daily. Finding the right topics to post about have been hard work. Especially in the beginning. I’ve tried not to limit myself in terms of topics, so my approach is to write about anything I know about and care about.

The first month has mainly been posts about web development. Mostly best practices when it comes to CSS and how to write semantic HTML that improves your website accessibility.

Besides that, there’s been a few posts about gaming and some of the tools that I use when developing. Funny enough, my most popular post was about how you fix an issue when logging into Call of Duty Warzone 2.0. A game I rarely play.

Analysing my metrics

I started this experiment on the 7th of march. Gaining organic traffic is tough, and it has been going quite slowly. These metrics are from the 7th of march until 7th of april.

On the 18th of march, I posted about how to fix Warzone 2.0, when you are stuck at the “Press any key to start” screen, which gained instant traction. Unfortunately, the traffic died out already after a few days. I’m not sure why. Either the game got fixed or Google somehow decided I wasn’t relevant anymore. I do hope it was because the game got patched.

Besides that, none my other posts have managed to gain any traction or clicks yet.

Exposures tells you how many times you have appeared in the search results for a search term or keyword.

Clicks is the number of times somehow has clicked on your website on the Google Search Result page.

Top Keywords
Top keywords show which phrases has been performing the best. The blue number is clicks while the purple one is exposures.

Recapping my goal

As my experiment is about the effect of posting daily has, there isn’t much to recap about. I have managed to keep it up for a month and will continue to do so until the end of the experiment.