LocalWP WordPress development tool

LocalWP Blueprints

LocalWP has a feature called Blueprints, which allows developers to create and manage pre-configured site templates.

LocalWP is a free local development environment for WordPress, which allows developers to create and manage WordPress sites locally. With LocalWP, developers can easily test their themes, plugins, and code changes before pushing them to the live site.

What are LocalWP Blueprints?

Blueprints are pre-configured site templates that can be used to quickly create new WordPress sites with predefined settings. Essentially, Blueprints are a collection of site settings, plugins, themes, and configurations. The blueprint is a template you reuse when creating new sites.

How does it work?

To create a Blueprint, you’ll need to first create a new WordPress site in LocalWP, then configure the site to your desired settings, including the installed plugins, themes, and configurations. Once the site is configured, you can save it as a Blueprint. This way you can reuse it to create new sites with the same settings and configurations.

When creating a new site using a Blueprint, LocalWP will automatically install the plugins, themes, and configurations that you save in the Blueprint. This makes it easy to create new sites quickly, without having to manually configure the site settings each time.

What do LocalWP Blueprints do?

LocalWP Blueprints allow developers to quickly create new WordPress sites with pre-configured settings, plugins, themes, and configurations. This saves time and effort, as developers don’t need to manually configure each site from scratch. With Blueprints, developers can easily create new sites that have the same settings and configurations as existing sites, without having to manually replicate the settings each time.

Blueprints ensure consistency across multiple WordPress sites. By creating a Blueprint with the desired settings, plugins, themes, and configurations, developers can ensure that each new site they create has the same settings and configurations as existing sites. This helps to ensure consistency and makes it easier to manage multiple WordPress sites.

LocalWP Blueprints are pre-configured site templates that quickly creates new WordPress sites with predefined settings. By using Blueprints, developers can save time and effort, ensure consistency across multiple sites, and easily manage their WordPress development workflow.

Start developing with LocalWP today.
Setting up LocalWP for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide